
Virtually every element of the world around us that has advanced in any meaningful way — communication, construction, transportation, entertainment and medicine; and owes its progress to science. Yet as essential to humanity as it is, and as fascinating and enlightening learning about it can be, the ways in which it’s conveyed to us often comes up short. It takes steady hands at the controls of media outlets in order to make the information accessible, accurate, and impactful. Of course, there are plenty of go-to sites to score a daily science fix , the networks and the newspapers, all of which have their strengths;  but none of them can cover all the angles, or always do so in particularly compelling or surprising ways. In fact, there are many sites out there that are worth reading because they have innovative approaches to their stories or creative ways of bringing them to you.

The site of „Ped Mind Institute“ informs about new clinical and innovative topics as well as innovative research in the field of clinical pediatric research. Innovations in clinical pediatric research can improve the treatment and therapy in pediatric departments. Ped Mind Institute is a group of brain storming clinical researchers concentrating on improving pediatric medicine with innovative new aspects.

Innovation with passion ...

No member of the Ped Mind Institute earns any money. Every results of our manuscripts published are based on a non-profit philosophy. Innovation with improvement of the child`s therapy in clinical praxis. Researchers from all over the world, who want to join or cooperate with our group of „brain stormers“ in the field of pediatrics, are welcome. In this way, please send application per email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or use our ped mind call ++49-151-41936762).

Innovation with passion. Ped Mind Institute.

I hope you like our work and our ideas,

Stefan Bittmann Visit. Prof., M.D., M.A. PhD.


Stefan Bittmann, M.D., M.A.
Hindenburgring 4
48599 Gronau, Germany

  +49 2565 97323
  +49 2565 97324